As part of NewfStock we are planning a Parade of Rescues & Newfs. Over 100 Newfoundlands will be taking part and many of the Newfs that have gone through our adoption program will be in attendance. Whether you plan to walk in the parade or simply sit back and enjoy the procession, we encourage you to collect pledges to help drum up support for these gentle giants. An easy and effective way to collect online donations is with a Personalized Fundraising page. Simply create the page and share the link with your network of friends, family and coworkers. All funds raised go directly towards vet care, supplies and food for Newfs in need.
How Does it Work?
You go to and create your page by filling out a form with some basic info and uploading your own picture. It is really simple and only takes about 5 minutes (instructions are included in this document). Once it is created, your unique page url is generated that you can share with whomever you’d like. The page has built-in functionality so you can share it with Facebook, Twitter and a host of other media outlets. It makes it extremely easy for fundraisers to reach out to people and makes it easy for those people to donate.
See an example below or go to:
Get Started Now!
Go to to create your page and start collecting pledges to help Newfs in need. Detailed instructions are provided below.
Thank you so much for your support!!
Instructions to Create your own GivingPage
1. Go to Choose to create a Fundraising Page or if you already have a CanadaHelps account choose to manage your GivingPage.
2. On the next page, if you don’t have a GivingPages account you will need to register with CanadaHelps. Click to do so.
3. Complete the information required and click on Continue.
4. You are now on the Welcome page. On the right side of the page there is a link to ‘Create a Fundraising Page’. Click this link.
5. Now time to select your charity. In the input box, type either HART or the BN # is 837390749RR0001 and then press Search. From the results click ADD beside:
• Wait, who is HART and why are they the recipient of the donations? Newf Friends is a division of the registered charity HART (Highland Animal Relief Team) and we operate under their Canada Helps account. Rest assured that all donations you collect will be received entirely by Newf Friends.
From the drop down menu, select HART's Newf Friends Fund.
6 . Next, define the text and other criteria that will be displayed on your page . It is pretty straightforward but we’d like to point out a few things:
• Type of page = choose ‘Other Event/Occasion’
• Page expiry date = make sure it is September 22 or later
• Message to Charity = to make sure it is received by Newf Friends and that we know it’s for the Newfstock parade event, please put your name and Newfstock in the box. There is a prize for the most pledges collected so you want all your pledges to be counted towards the parade!! Here’s an example:
• Joe Blow’s Giving page, Newfstock 2018
6. When you’ve completed all the sections of this page, press Continue
7. Here’s where you can add an image. Choose an image from your computer, making sure to adhere to the picture guidelines outlined on the page. Press Continue once your file is uploaded.
• TIP! Before pressing Continue, make sure you’ve selected your picture from the available pictures once you’ve uploaded it by clicking the radio button beside your picture.
8. Just about done! From here you can choose to preview your page (a good idea) and make sure everything is how you want it. Once you’ve done previewing, you can click to ‘Finish your GivingPage’.
9. Yay! It’s done and ready to share with everyone you know. There are options on this page for sharing and if you ever want to edit your page or view your donations that is done through the ‘Manage your GivingPage’ link.
Thank you so much for supporting Newfs in need and we look forward to seeing you at Newfstock!!